My life from Kindergarten to 5th grade:
Kindergarten (Mrs. Hagestary): I brought carrots for the class bunny...nobody else did. What bothered me the most were the skillful negotiation tactics I had to use against my mother to get those carrots (Mom thought bunny did not deserve our human food, plus foreigners do not usually care about things like...animals.) One morning, I bring two carrots to class and begin feeding this bunny. Now, everyone wants to feed the bunny. So I begin handing out pieces of my carrot to my peers, but you know when you get to that thick end of the carrot that is hard to break (and I had underdeveloped motor skills in imagine), and you have no choice but to just give that thick piece to some freeloading kindergartner. Well that's what I did. 2009 kindergartners would not take that shit...they would probably bring a gun to school and shoot Bobby Williams while preaching about meritocracy or some shit like that...I also ate ham by accident, in which my dad responded, "You might as well finish it."
Exploitation and religious betrayal
1st grade (Mrs. Youngberg): My first day of class, Mrs. Youngberg gives us a small quiz on subtraction. I fail miserably...I cry...nobody notices. Let me remind you, this is a combination class with 1st/2nd graders. So, while all the 2nd graders are blazing through the vicious math problems, us 1st graders sit there in numerical confusion. Probably went home and drowned my sorrows in sunchips and coconut flakes with Degraft. Did I mention that a homeless woman tried to steal my sunchips in Baltimore 3 years ago.
Failure and addiction to sunchips...
2nd grade (Mrs. Shoemaker): Wayne van Buren + me = Why I am Hassan Jallow's daughter, and why I got a call home later that day. Met my future sushi buddy Lina.
3rd Grade (Mrs.Brown/Mrs. Wilkins): Mrs. Wilkins yelled at me because she mistook my kindness, of letting someone borrow my ruler, as me being a disruptive, gregarious child. Also, Alex's mom rolled up to school in a banging Camaro. Fuck you Mrs. Wilkins and your breath smelled like funions...oh yeah, you did not know that about yourself Wilkins, all the kids were talking about your breath.
Funions and Homicidal Ideation...
4th grade (Mrs. Bower/Mrs. Paeglow): Became a patrol, which was a big deal. Boy was I on a power trip that day...but "A" decided to ruin that trip by telling everyone "not to be my friend." Apparently, bringing down those who succeed was something prevalent among 4th graders. This was the year that I also learned origami in the media center, and when I began playing the violin...with my right hand that is (took some months to correct). I sounded like a loner, but guess what "A," I am the patrol of life, and you are still taking my orders while crossing my street you fucking Jezebel. Trust me, I have heard things about you "A" and Plan B should have been an option.
Crab-in-the-barrel mentality...
5th grade (Mrs. Flanagan): Promoted to Sergeant Patrol and abused my power to the fullest. This was my moment to shine and seek revenge among those who "hated" on me...and that I did. This is when I began "hating" on people, and this wonderful trait of mine has continued on today as Melissa, Mirchaye and Sasha like to remind me each-and-every day. Thanks guys. I was also one of the few kids in my class who knew how to spell "Wednesday" on our weekly spelling tests. Was this because I watched Adams Family with the caption on numerous times, or was it because 5th graders should be obligated to know how to spell Wednesday?? Also, I carpooled to MoCo youth Honors Orchestra with Kelli, which was awesome. I love you Kelli!!
Corruption and misuse of power...
The fundamental stages of life make you who you are today...a militant, agnostic, psychotic, exploiter who is addicted to sunchips (but can do without the funions) and misuses power while dragging others down with her during times of failure.
Happy Black History Month!!

Quite fabulous. I also remember crying after feeling like I had failed a math quiz... Sophomore year.. of college.
No, it was on the first day for first grade. What kind of asshole teacher gives a quiz on the first day of fucking first grade. I don't know if anyone else noticed I cried... they probably did when the teacher escorted me out of the classroom. The first of subsequent humiliating moments.
I feel you, dog. I feel you.
It was humiliating, plus I had to hand it in to her. She did not respond to the tears rolling down my eyes. She has probably never had any human connection with anyone. But yeah, who gives an exam in first grade??
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